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Below is a list of organisations which can offer information about various issues and helpline support.

​ provides information and support for people living with or supporting someone with mental health problems.

​ you can call their helpline if you are feeling distressed on 116 123.


LGBT Foundation - national charity offering advice, support and information for LGBT communities.

​ providing support to LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse.


Mind provides Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer mental health support through advocacy, counselling, peer support groups and online support.

​ providing email and telephone support for grief and bereavement, including information online.


Relate provides relationship counselling for individuals, couples, children, young people and families, face to face, by telephone or online. They provide sex therapy. Their website also has resources if you are not quite ready to access therapy.


Supportline  - providing a confidential helpline offering emotional support, particularly for those who are isolated, at risk, vulnerable and victims of any form of abuse.


Young a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents.

​ aimed mainly towards single parents and providing information and support for a variety of issues that may affect children as a result of changing family circumstances.


Rape providing information, help and support to anyone who has or is experiencing any form of sexual violence. Their 24 hour helpline number is 0808 500 2222, they also provide an online chat facility.


Women’s providing support for those experiencing domestic abuse. They also provide online chat support.


National Centre for Domestic Abuse (NCDV) providing support to obtain emergency injunctions.


Karmar providing support for women experiencing honour based violence. The helpline number is 0800 5999 247.

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